Museum of Ancient Glass, Poljana Zemaljskog odbora, Zadar, Croatia
Art Exhibition. Fusion glass collection by Oksana Veber.
Glass Boudoir.
The opening is on the 20 October 2020.
Wide range of beautiful subjects, based on nature observation.
I admire Dalmatian coast, ambience, abundant nature manifestations and especially a lot of shades of blue colour, deep in the sea and sky. I love to include in my works woman's body, sea, boats, birds, fish, flowers, glass objects, involved memories and fragments of everyday life impressions.
Combination of line and colour, transparency, and opaque strong splashes, all locked in glass forms, aquarelle effects translated into glass. It was an idea to recreate those subtle and strong colours and free-flowing lines in a fusion glass technique, as I used to do in the oil on canvas technique. The material is quite different and sometimes unpredictable, which creates an extra challenge. The glass powders – colours do not look the same before and after firing. This requires memorizing how are they going to look, to achieve the desired effect.
20 October 2020 – 18 November 2020.
Museum of Ancient Glass.
Poljana Zemaljskog odbora
123000 Zadar Croatia
Dom Na Zalu gallery, Pucko Otvoreno Uciliste, Preko, Ugljan island, Croatia
Art Exhibition, Preko, Croatia
The exhibition Vanilla Sky.
The name of the exhibition was inspired by my travels to Hawaii island.
I was invited to the USA as an artist in residence on the Hawaii island for one month.
The range of climate and lifestyles is huge on that island. I was above the clouds in the mountain remote Buddhist Sanctuary, in various villages near the ocean, big cities and based near erupting Volcano villages.
In order to get the diverse feel of Island live I was offered a few days stay on the Vanilla farm in Waipio Valley. This is wild Rainforest and jungles surrounded by stip rocks and huge waterfalls connected to the ocean.
Were I was learning many things and among them how to pollinate Vanilla Flowers to facilitate the Vanilla seed growth. It was an exciting journey. I tried fresh cocoa beans and cava plant juice, met wild horses family in jungles, leaving in a cabin on tall legs attached to the rocks, I saw trees falling right beside me...
870 Seminole Way, Redwood City, CA 94062-3423, United States
Private opening hosted by Lilia Shirman. Canvasations Gallery.
For the first time, Oksana Veber,
recognized throughout Europe for her vibrant and dynamic paintings,
will be here in person to present her latest works.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet the artist and enjoy her beautiful paintings over a glass of wine.
870 Seminole Way, Redwood City, CA 94062-3423, United States
MUZEJ ANTICKOG STAKLA U ZADRU, Poljana Zemaljskog odbora 1, Zadar, Croatia
Magic Glass. Exhibition in Ancient Glass Museum Zadar. Paintings of Oksana Veber
The opening is on the night of museums 1 February 2019 at 18.30.
Poljana Zemaljskog odbora 1
Faks: 023/363-834
23000 Zadar
Tel.: 023/363-832, 363-833
Ugljan, Preko, Croatia
Art Exhibition, Preko, Croatia
The exhibition Vanilla Sky.
The name of the exhibition was inspired by my travels to Hawaii island.
I was invited to the USA as an artist in residence on the Hawaii island for one month.
The range of climate and lifestyles is huge on that island. I was above the clouds in the mountain remote Buddhist Sanctuary, in various villages near the ocean, big cities and based near erupting Volcano villages.
In order to get the diverse feel of Island live I was offered a few days stay on the Vanilla farm in Waipio Valley. This is wild Rainforest and jungles surrounded by stip rocks and huge waterfalls connected to the ocean.
Were I was learning many things and among them how to pollinate Vanilla Flowers to facilitate the Vanilla seed growth. It was an exciting journey. I tried fresh cocoa beans and cava plant juice, met wild horses family in jungles, leaving in a cabin on tall legs attached to the rocks, I saw trees falling right beside me...
Venue: Art Studios Capital House 8th floor, 42 Weston Street, SE1 3QD Opposite of St Thomas Street London Bridge Train station exit. For further information on this exhibition please contact T: 07930445801 E-mail:,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Spring is here and contemporary artist Oksana Veber would like to invite you to her latest art exhibition for 2017.
This will be the first time Oksana has opened the doors to her new studio in London Bridge Capital House after moving there in December 2016.
Opening day and times are - Monday 29th May (13 – 18 pm).
Venue: Art Studios Capital House 8th floor, 42 Weston Street, SE1 3QD
Oposite of St Thomas Street London Bridge Train station exit.
For further information on this exhibition please contact T: 07930445801
We look forward to seeing you there
Kindest regards
Oksana Veber
P.S Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who maybe interested in the exhibition - many thanks
PREKO, POU Dom na žalu, Ugljan island, Croatia, Exhibition of Oksana Veber Paintings.#
"Reflections", Exhibition of Oksana Veber Paintings, PREKO, POU Dom na žalu, Ugljan island, Croatia
Unutarnji svijet žena u apstrakcijama ruske slikarice Oksane Veber
Autor: A.L. u Uto, 08/08/2017 - 11:21
PREKO – Oksana Veber, ruska slikarica koja je često progovarala kroz ženske portrete, i na najnovijoj izložbi pod nazivom „Refleksije“ predstavlja se iznimno kolorističnim apstrakcijama u čijoj se pozadini naziru ženski likovi.
Četrdeset i tri slike, ulja i akrilna boja na platnu, nastale u protekle dvije godine na otoku Ugljanu, premijerno je u ponedjeljak navečer izložila u galeriji Dom na žalu u Preku jer je otok, prema vlastitu priznanju, mjesto njezina najvećeg mira, inspiracije i ravnoteže.
Iako izlaže diljem Europe, sa stalne londonske adrese najradije se vraća na otok Ugljan, u Kukljicu, koja je na neki način postala njezino duhovno utočište.
- Svaka slika može se iščitati na svoj način, ovisno o kutu gledanja i osobi koja je promatra. U pozadini većine ovih slika su ženski portreti koji su odraz nekih mojih stanja, kroz njih ja progovaram pa tako možemo reći i da svaki portret ima elemente autoportreta. Željela sam prikazati emocije, unutarnji svijet, impresije žene u današnjem svijetu, u 21. stoljeću. Ženski svijet gledan iz različitih aspekata. To mi je vrlo važno!, objašnjava slikarica te ističe kako je osim „ženskog pisma“ zanima i suodnos prirode i urbanog te uloga pojedinca u tome.
- Željela bih da usporimo, da promatramo život oko sebe, učimo iz te prirode koja uvijek ima neku dobru priču za nas, poručuje.
Dio ljeta provodi u Hrvatskoj, na otoku Ugljanu, i to radno jer je okruženje iznimno motivira i nadahnjuje.
- Ovdje osjećam dobru energiju, puna sam elana i planova za budućnost tako da ljeto provodim radno, ali to ne osjećam kao muku nego kao opuštanje. Na otoku imam idealne uvjete za rad: nevjerojatnu tišinu i mir. Ovdje mogu nesmetano slušati klasičnu glazbu, posebno operu, šećem šumom, bavim se jogom…, kaže.
Oksana Veber umjetnica je međunarodnog ugleda i značaja, rođena je u Altaju, u Rusiji. Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti završila je u Kijevu. Tijekom razvijanja svoga slikarskog stila, koristila se raznim tehnikama, od akvarela na papiru, tradicionalne tehnike na bazi ulja na platnu, akrila na platnu…
Raspon tema, motiva i stilova Oksane Veber vrlo je širok, od krajobraza do portreta, a uključuje grafički, modni i virtualni dizajn. Poznata je po portretima dame u ekstravangardnim šeširima.
Prije desetak godina Oksana Veber kao članica jedne likovne kolonije došla je prvi put na Ugljan, izlagala je u Kukljici, Preku, Zadru, diljem Europe, u SAD-u... O njezinu radu na otvorenju izložbe govorili su Mladenka Mašina i Venko Mavar.
Nakon Preka, slike s izložbe „Refleksije“ bit će postavljene u galerijama Londonu i Pragu, a u Domu na žalu mogu se razgledati do 21. kolovoza, svaki dan od 20 do 22.30 sati.
Povezani sadržaj::
POU Dom na žalu
Oksana Veber
izložba Refleksije
View Gallery, 34 High St, Thames Ditton KT7 0RY
VIEW Gallery exhibition of Oksana Veber paintings.
No. 1 Harley Street Suite V, 3rd Floor London W1G 9QD 020 7580 2294
Exhibition of Oksana Veber paintings
in the Darfoor Dental Practice
based at No. 1 Harley Street.
See More
— at Darfoor Dental Practice- Dr. Simon Darfoor
14 Baylis Road, London SE1 7AA
Private view, Monday 23rd Feb 2015 6:30 - 8pm
WZ - Meet the Artists Evening
WATERLOO Zeitgeist 2015 exhibition of paintings from local artists.
Oksana Veber paintings- 2 floor.
SUNDAY 18th Jan – THURSDAY 28th Feb
Contacts: 14 Baylis Road, London SE1 7AA
Open to public
Lunchtime Gallery
Tuesday - Friday 11am – 4:30pm (other eves by arrangement)
e-mail: — at Waterloo Action Centre
Zelena Punta, Kukljica, Ugljan, Croatia.
Oksana Veber paintings.
Gallery Mul na Zalu, Pucko Otvoreno Uciliste, Preko, Croatia.
"Sea Song",
Personal exhibition,
Gallery Mul na Zalu,
Pucko Otvoreno Uciliste, Preko, Croatia.
Opening night 12.08.2013
Koraljka Alavanja, Zadar, 2012 Oksana Veber paintings.
Every one of us longs for peace, equivalence and harmony, and turns to different sources in order to come close to this – sources such as natural beauties, meditation, exploration of spirit or sound. The painter Oksana Veber finds her peace in the beauty of landscape, still nature, portrait of a woman, which, transfused into a harmony of colours and shapes, continue their life as an inspiration for a work of art. Guided by this urge for equivalence and investigating themes such as peace, harmony and emptiness, the artist explored Taoism and eastern philosophy and transferred her longing and revelation onto the canvas. The echoes of these influences can be recognized primarily in the painting approach that the artist uses to create background for her figures, defined only by colouristic effects.
In her earlier works the colours are expressive and powerful, then they slowly mellow down into pastel shades of blue-gray and ochre in gradations, only to almost disappear into monochrome of warm nuances of gray infiltrated by whiteness as a light effect in her most recent cycle. Colours applied in wide brushstrokes and unobtrusively combine merging into an abstraction, which, in some paintings, could stand as a complete work of art in the manner of abstract Expressionism. On this background, the artist draws figuration using thin, playful, almost calligraphic black strokes that gives sparkle to the background's meditative peacefulness and opens space for a new story.
In most of her paintings, female portrait occurs as the main motif. It presented as a melancholic yet sensual figure with full lips, almond-shaped eyes looking down, head gently leaning, trapped in her dreamy, fairytale world. On one hand this secrecy is owed to the poetics that can be traced in Jugendstil or Vienna Seccession, and on the other to the Russian fantasy that we find in Chagall for instance. In her new cycle of works we are often find double or multiple portraits in one painting, but the figures do not communicate with each other, nor with the viewer neither by gesture nor by gaze; instead they open paths towards themselves by subtly communicating with the object of their attention – usually a musical instrument or a cat, a bird, a bowl with fruit. These also appear as the main motif, painted contourly by the same quick, skillful strokes of black line, with only some of the elements emphasized by colour.
Moreover, in this exhibition the artist presents several of her landscapes...
Triq Dun Karm, Iklin, IKL1023 Malta
5 of my works are on collective exhibition ''Into Summer'' in CO Gallery, Iklin, Malta.
Waterloo Gallery 14, Baylis Rd, SE1
WATERLOO Zeitgeist 2013 exhibition of paintings from local artists.
25 Devonshire street, London W1G 6PQ
Paintings of Oksana Veber. The Marylebone Gallery exposition.
MK Arts for Health, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
Oksana Veber was born in Barnaul in the Altaj region of Russia. She has lived in the United Kingdom since 2010 having also spent several years living in the Czech Republic.
Oksana studied art at the Briansk Art College in Russia and the Kiev Academy of Fine Arts in the Ukraine. She also gained a BA in Practical Psychology from the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management in Kiev. Oksana is a Member of the International Association of Commercial Artists.
Oksana has been drawing since the age of four and exhibiting since 1987. Her paintings are in galleries and private collections in several European countries and also the USA, Australia, South Africa and Israel.
Oksana’s painting style has undergone a transformation over the years. Her first paintings were landscapes which reflected her fascination with Daoism and other Eastern philosophies and incorporated themes such as peace and harmony. Some of her more recent works contain the same themes but through the portrayal of women in a warm and positive style. Oksana’s subtle use of colours ranging from warm wood to gold and glimmering coppers gives these pictures a unique and sensual aura. For the past seven years Oksana has participated in art workshops in Croatia and Bulgaria which has enabled her to express her fascination with the beauty of nature through a series of paintings with sea themes.
Even more recently,within the last year in fact, Oksana developed this theme further by producing a larger scale collection of works in a more abstract style.They were mainly landscapes with some featuring the human figure.
Oksana currently works from her studio in South London and her website can be viewed at
185 High Street Acton LONDON W3 8DJ United Kingdom
The exhibition called "The Gender Agenda" will start Thursday the 28th February at 6 pm for the opening at the gallery. There will be live music during this evening. The exhibition will gather different artists and topics about women lives today.
I hope to see all of you on this event!
The W3 gallery
Phone: 0208 993 6158
185 High Street
W3 8DJ
United Kingdom
Tynska street 6
2003 ''Four Seasons'' Artmaster gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
Erlang House, 128 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8EQ
ASC Open Studios: 8/9 December 2012
Oksana Veber. Studio 205
ASC are one of the largest organizations providing workspaces to artists in the United Kingdom and they are holding an open studios event on 8/9 December 2012 at Erlang House, 128 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8EQ.
Admission to the event is free and provides an opportunity to meet artists at work in their own studios, and to gain a better understanding of contemporary art. In many cases you will also be able to buy work directly from the artists themselves without gallery commission.
Erlang House is less than five minutes walk from Southwark tube station (Jubilee Line). Elephant and Castle, Lambeth North and Waterloo are also within easy walking distance.
Come and visit us. The event is open between 11:00 and 17:00 each day.
Oksana Veber. Studio 205
Tourist office in Kukljica at 2-30th of September 2009
Exhibition of Oksana Veber paintings in tourist office in Kukljica at 2-30th of September 2009.
Piše: Ante Jaša
Oksana Veber i Venko Mavra na otvorenju izložbe u Kukljici
Došavši u Kukljicu krajem ljeta 2006. godine sa skupinom likovnih
umjetnika ondašnjeg saziva Likovne kolonije, Oksana Veber naslikala je
nekoliko slika uljem na platnu na kojima je otočki ambijent. Od tada
svakog ljeta dolazi u Kukljicu i ovdje ostaje duže vremena na
ljetovanju, a tu njezinom slikarskom radu nastaje jedan ciklus slika
koji obogaćuje njezin slikarski opus.
Njene radove smo već vidjeli na skupnoj izložbi u Kukljici 2007. godine,
a sada nam predstavlja jedan zaokruženi ciklus slika ženskih likova i
otočkih krajolika. Osobito se ističu portreti koji su stopljeni s
krajolikom i njegov su neizdvojivi sastavni dio. Krajolici i portreti na
kojima su transparentno prikazane staklene vaze i amfore, očitavamo
priču o ljudima, moru i stvaranju. Ovaj ciklus slika Oksane Veber
ujednačen je tonovima boja, od plave do toplijih žutih i narančastih
tomova. Na trideset i dvije slike u tehnici ulja na platnu slikarica je
dosljedna svojem dosadašljem stilu figurativnog slikarstva.
Oksana Veber rođena je 1967. godine. Diplomirala je na Likovnoj
akademiji lijepih umjetnosti u Kijevu, Ukrajina. Radila je na
oslikavanju prostora velikih građevina. Svoja djela izlagala je na
tridesetak izložbi u dvanaest država diljem svijeta. Sada živi u Pragu u
Češkoj i djeluje u likovnim udruženjima.
Izložene slike su velikog formata i dobro su upotpunile izložbeni
prostor Turističkog informativnog centra u Kukljici. U nazočnosti
turističkih djelatnika i članova kulturnih društava iz Kukljice, o
Oksani Vever i njenom boravku u Kukljici govorio je Venko Mavra,
zahvalivši se autorici na suradnji, te je izložbu proglasio otvorenom.
Izložba se može razgledati svakog dana, sve do kraja rujna.
Ante Jaša