
"Shadow dance" Museum of Acient Glass Zadar, Croatia. "Ples sjena" : likovna izlozba Oksane Veber 23.11.- 24.12. 2010.- Zadar Muzej antickog stakla, 2010.- fotokopija (u boji), 42 x 29,5 cm


Monday 23 November 2009
Thursday 24 December 2009

"Ples sjena" naziv je izložbe Oksane Veber otvorene u ponedjeljak navečer u Muzeju antičkog stakla, u sklopu obilježavanja 'Dana Grada Zadra'. Uz autoricu u otvorenju izložbe sudjelovali su Ivo Fadić, ravnatelj MAS-a, Radovan Dunatov, pročelnik Upravnog odjela za kulturu i šport, i Koraljka Alavanja, likovni kritičar.
Okupljene je pozdravio ravnatelj MAS-a, istaknuvši zadovoljstvo što Muzej slikovnom izložbom ove autorice može uveličati proslavu Dna Grada Zadra i blagdan Sv. Krševana.
U svom osvrtu, prikazanom u katalogu koji prati izložbu, Koraljka Alvanja ističe kako Oksana Veber harmoniju pronalazi u ljepoti krajolika, mrtve prirode, portreta žene, koje se pretočene u harmoniju boja i oblika nastavljaju kao inspiracija za nastanaka umjetničkog djela. Vodeći se tom težnjom za skladom i istražujući teme kao što su mir, harmonija i praznina, nastavlja Alavanja, umjetnica je istraživala Taoizam i istočnjačku filozofiju te je svoje nagnuće i otkrivenje prenijela na slikarsko platno.
Alavanja je istaknula kako će sama djela reći više o sebi.
Radovan Dunatov istaknuo je kako "Oksana Veber donosi svoj talent u naš grad i daruje nam ga, te mi prihvaćamo taj talent".
- Ove slike svijetle iznutra svjetlošću žene, a izvana odlučnošću muškarca, što daje cjelokupnog čovjeka, kazao je Dunatov i izložbu proglasio otvorenom.
"Shadow dance" Museum of Acient Glass Zadar, Croatia. "Ples sjena" Likovna izlozba Oksane Veber 23.11.- 24.12. 2010.- Zadar Muzej antickog stakla, 2010. Plakat- fotokopija (u boji), 42 x 29,5 cm


Oksana Veber Paintings, GALLERIE Portus Pisek, Czech Republic.

Galerie Portyc

Tuesday 19 May 2009
Friday 12 June 2009

Oksana Veber Paintings Graphics Exhibition in Galerie Portyc, Pisek Czech Republic. 19.05.2009-12.06.2009


'An Ideal Soup', Brent Artists Resource Gallery, London.

THE BAR Gallery Willesden green Centre 95 High Road London 6NW10 2SF

Thursday 12 April 2012
Saturday 5 May 2012

Art show at BAR Gallery, London, in April 2012.

Oksana Veber was born in Barnaul in the Altaj region of Russia. She has lived in the United Kingdom since 2010 having also spent several years living in the Czech Republic.
Oksana studied art at the Briansk Art College in Russia and the Kiev Academy of Fine Arts in the Ukraine. She also gained a BA in Practical Psychology from the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management in Kiev. Oksana is a Member of the International Association of Commercial Artists.
Oksana has been drawing since the age of four and exhibiting since 1987. Her paintings are in galleries and private collections in several European countries and also the USA, Australia, South Africa and Israel.
Oksana’s painting style has undergone a transformation over the years. Her first paintings were landscapes which reflected her fascination with Daoism and other Eastern philosophies and incorporated themes such as peace and harmony. Some of her more recent works contain the same themes but through the portrayal of women in a warm and positive style. Oksana’s subtle use of colours ranging from warm wood to gold and glimmering coppers gives these pictures a unique and sensual aura. For the past seven years Oksana has participated in art workshops in Croatia and Bulgaria which has enabled her to express her fascination with the beauty of nature through a series of paintings with sea themes.
Even more recently,within the last year in fact, Oksana developed this theme further by producing a larger scale collection of works in a more abstract style.They were mainly landscapes with some featuring the human figure.
Oksana currently works from her studio in South London and her website can be viewed at


"Sea Songs" Prachen Muzeum, Pisek, Czech Republic.

Prácheňské muzeum v Písku Velké náměstí 114, 397 24 Písek

Wednesday 4 July 2012
Sunday 29 July 2012

OKSANA VEBER - Písně moře
Malé výstavní síně 4.7. - 29.7.

Oksana Veber se narodila v Barnaulu na Altaji (Rusko). Od roku 2010 žije ve Spojeném království. Předtím strávila několik let v České republice. Studovala umění na Brianské umělecké vysoké škole v Rusku a Kyjevské akademii výtvarného umění na Ukrajině. Také získala bakalářský titul v oboru praktická psychologie na Inter-regionální akademii osobního managementu v Kyjevě. Je rovněž členkou Mezinárodní asociace komerčních umělců.

Oksana Veber


"Abstracted" Exhibition in Marburae Gallery, Macclesfield, United Kingdom.

Marburae Gallery, Marburae House, Athey Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6QU

Thursday 3 May 2012
Friday 1 June 2012

Oksana Veber was born in Barnaul in the Altaj region of Russia. She has lived in the United Kingdom since 2010 having also spent several years living in the Czech Republic.
Oksana studied art at the Briansk Art College in Russia and the Kiev Academy of Fine Arts in the Ukraine. She also gained a BA in Practical Psychology from the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management in Kiev. Oksana is a Member of the International Association of Commercial Artists.
Oksana has been drawing since the age of four and exhibiting since 1987. Her paintings are in galleries and private collections in several European countries and also the USA, Australia, South Africa and Israel.
Oksana’s painting style has undergone a transformation over the years. Her first paintings were landscapes which reflected her fascination with Daoism and other Eastern philosophies and incorporated themes such as peace and harmony. Some of her more recent works contain the same themes but through the portrayal of women in a warm and positive style. Oksana’s subtle use of colours ranging from warm wood to gold and glimmering coppers gives these pictures a unique and sensual aura. For the past seven years Oksana has participated in art workshops in Croatia and Bulgaria which has enabled her to express her fascination with the beauty of nature through a series of paintings with sea themes.
Even more recently,within the last year in fact, Oksana developed this theme further by producing a larger scale collection of works in a more abstract style.They were mainly landscapes with some featuring the human figure.
Oksana currently works from her studio in South London and her website can be viewed at


"Rising Stars", New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom.

New Ashgate Gallery, Waggon Yard, Farnham, Surrey , GU9 7PS, United Kingdom

Wednesday 4 April 2012
Saturday 5 May 2012

Oksana Veber was born in Barnaul in the Altaj region of Russia. She has lived in the United Kingdom since 2010 having also spent several years living in the Czech Republic.
Oksana studied art at the Briansk Art College in Russia and the Kiev Academy of Fine Arts in the Ukraine. She also gained a BA in Practical Psychology from the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management in Kiev. Oksana is a Member of the International Association of Commercial Artists.
Oksana has been drawing since the age of four and exhibiting since 1987. Her paintings are in galleries and private collections in several European countries and also the USA, Australia, South Africa and Israel.
Oksana’s painting style has undergone a transformation over the years. Her first paintings were landscapes which reflected her fascination with Daoism and other Eastern philosophies and incorporated themes such as peace and harmony. Some of her more recent works contain the same themes but through the portrayal of women in a warm and positive style. Oksana’s subtle use of colours ranging from warm wood to gold and glimmering coppers gives these pictures a unique and sensual aura. For the past seven years Oksana has participated in art workshops in Croatia and Bulgaria which has enabled her to express her fascination with the beauty of nature through a series of paintings with sea themes.
Even more recently,within the last year in fact, Oksana developed this theme further by producing a larger scale collection of works in a more abstract style.They were mainly landscapes with some featuring the human figure.
Oksana currently works from her studio in South London and her website can be viewed at


"Mull it over", Group exhibition, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Artist Residence 33 Regency Square Brighton and Hove, East Sussex BN1 2GG

Thursday 12 January 2012
Wednesday 18 January 2012

Collate Presents have taken submissions from artists from all disciplines and have called out for them to empty their collections of half baked ideas, inspiring sketches, unseen works and exploratory photographs.

This installation features over 200 pieces of exploratory works from local + international artists. The Private View saw 400 people come in doors of the Artist Residence, Brighton, with many works being sold.



Exhibition “Sea Dream”, POU Dom na žalu, Preko, Island Uglijan, Croatia

POU Dom na žalu, Preko, Island Uglijan, Croatia

Tuesday 16 August 2011
Thursday 31 May 2012

Galery Mul na žalu, Preko, Croatia 08.2011


čast nam je pozvati Vas na otvorenje izložbe slika Morski san - Sea Dream,
akademske slikarice Oksane Veber iz Čaške republike
u utorak 16. kolovoza 2011. s početkom u 19,00 sati
Gosti večeri su:
pjesnik dr.sc. Robert Bacalja i VIS Stella Maris.
Vidimo se,
Tihana Lončar

Morski san – Sea dream“ Oksane Veber galeriji „Dom na žalu“ Ispis
Četvrtak, 18 Kolovoz 2011 10:59

kosta19082011U velikoj Galeriji Doma na žalu, utorak otvorena je izložba slika akademske slikarice Oksane Veber iz Češke Republike. Svoj opus “Morski san- Sea Dream“ umjetnica je predstavila umjetninama s mirom kojeg pronalazi u ljepoti u ljepoti krajolika, mrtve prirode, portreta žene,pretočene u harmoniju boja i oblika. Izložbu je otvorio slikar Kosta Kostov iz Zadra,organizator Međunarodne likovne kolonije „Jadertina“. Umjetnica je sudjelujući u programu kolonije upoznala i zavoljela Hrvatsku.

O radu umjetnice i izložbi „Morski san-Sea Dream“ govorila je povjesničarka umjetnosti Koraljka Alavanja naglasivši da umjetnica u težnji za skladom istražuje teme mira, harmonije i praznina.Odjeke utjecaja istočne filozofije prepoznajemo prvenstveno u slikarskom pristupu kojim umjetnica stvara pozadinu za svoje likove, definiranu kolorističkim efektima.

Okasana Veber rođena je u Rusiji samostalno izložbe imala je u Češkoj, Danskoj, Francuskoj, SAD-u, Engleskoj, izlagala je i na više skupnih izložbi.

Otvaranje izložbe popratio je sastav „Stella Maris“, a pjesnik dr. Robert Bacalja pročitao je svoju pjesamu „Nova besida o veloj kobotnici na punti ključa“.

Prisutnima se obratio i direktor Turistička zajednice Općine Preko Ante Brižić, zahvalio se autorici što je odabrala baš Preko, otok Ugljan za svoju izložbu i umjetničku inspiraciju te kao mali znak pažnje poklonio joj je buket cvijeća i požalio što ljepši boravak na otoku.

Umjetnica se zahvalila organizatorima, istaknuvši da je Ugljan postao je njen drugi dom. Ljudi prijazni a slikoviti otok inspirira je na stvaranje slikarskih djela. Oduševljenje Galerijom „Dom na žalu“ iskazala je pripremom izložbe „Morski san- Sea Dream“.


''Room № 9'' Gallery, Eastbourne, United Kingdom.

9 Carlisle Road, Eastbourne, BN20 4BT

Monday 1 January 2007
Tuesday 1 January 2013

''Room № 9'' Gallery, Eastbourne, United Kingdom. Permanent exposition.


"The Sounds of Art", Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark 2009

The Radisson SAS Falconer Center Hall Falkoner Allè 9 2000 Copenhagen Denmark

Friday 19 June 2009
Sunday 21 June 2009

Copenhagen 19th – 21st June 2009
The International Music and Art Exhibition Event “The Sounds of Art” will take place in The Radisson SAS Falconer Center Hall, Copenhagen the 19th – 21st June 2009.
In addition to the Music and Exhibition Event Copenhagen 2009 “The Sounds of Art” will present two concert performances the 19th and 20th June 2009 each evening from 19.30 – 22.00 hrs.

The Opening Ceremony for The international Music and Art Exhibition Even “The Sounds of Art” will be launched Friday the 19th June 2009 10.00 AM with speeches, entertainment and presentation of the participating artists.

Official representatives and a gallery of stage performers will entertain the audience from 10 – 11.30 AM inclusive a reception in connection with the official opening of “The Sounds of Art” Copenhagen 2009.

The entrance fee is DKR. 95,00 / EURO 12,50 per person.

The ceremony will take place at:

The Radisson SAS Falconer Center Hall
Falkoner Allè 9
2000 Copenhagen


The Opening Ceremony will be hosted by
The Sounds of Art
Angela Nilsson and Kurt Lykke Lindved

Visit The Sounds of Art at:


Art Exhibition, Art Shaker Gallery, Paris, France 2003

4 rue Anatole de la Forge 75017- Paris

Friday 12 December 2003
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Art Exhibition


''The Song of Sun'', Gallery Etienne de Causans, Paris, France, 2003.

Galerie Etienne de Causans, 25, rue de Seine

Friday 28 November 2003
Friday 12 December 2003

Les Cahiers de la Peinture n. 363, Paris, France, 2003
Les Cahiers de la Peinture n. 363
Visite d'exposition
Oksana VEBER

Un bel ensemble de peintures figuratives d'Oksana Veber (nйe en URSS en 1967 et йtablie а Prague) a йtй prйsentй rйœmment а la galerie Etienne de Causans (1) par M. Claude Zlotzisty, admirateur de l'œuvre de cette jeune femme peintre.
Dans ce travail, l'image de la femme est dominante, de sorte qu'on peut considйrer qu'elle est le thиme de l'exposition : une femme belle et svelte, aux traits fins, le cou long, le visage ovale, les yeux en amande, les lиvres charnues, les seins fermes. D'autres attraits sensuels sont suggйrйs pudiquement, tandis que des attitudes, des gestes de la main et l'expression des yeux expriment fortement la volontй de sйduire, mais il y a de la pudeur aussi dans cette expression. Dans la majeure partie des tableaux, la femme est au singulier. Quelques œuvres, trois, me semble-t-il, rйunissent deux femmes : Le Duo (des violonistes) ; Ouverture (deux tкtes de femmes et un cygne ; Vieux Miroir, seule composition figurant une tкte d'homme et une de femme). L'image du cygne se rencontre plus d'une fois dans les compositions, prйcisйe ou esquissйe, et cela porte а penser qu'elle vйhicule peut-кtre une allusion qui ne devrait pas кtre nйgligйe. En effet, elle compte comme un йlйment pertinent dans un ensemble de constatations qui appelle l'attention vers la musique. En mкme temps que l'on constate des occurrences du cygne, on remarque des titres qui renvoient a la musique: Duo, Chante violon, Ond'tne, Ouverture... S'y ajoutent des images du violon et d'une boite а musique (dans une œuvre intitulйe Une petite Citronnade, oщ la femme, les yeux bridйs cette fois, et la peau jaune, tourne la manivelle de la boite sur laquelle on voit une danseuse en tutu et un danseur, et en-dessous trois paires de dыmes du Kremlin). Le cygne associй а la musique йvoque spontanйment le quatuor а cordes de Tchaпkovsky, Le Lac des cygnes. Un gros coquillage marin est йgalement une figure frйquente dans les accessoires de composition, et l'on connaоt sa connotation auditive.

Los Cahiers do la Peinture n. 363

La portйe et l'inspiration poйtiques des œuvres de Oksana Veber se dйterminent ainsi sous et vers des rйfйrences musicales. Patite Citronnado, piиce dйcrite ci-dessus, pourrait кtre une allusion а la symphonie de Tchaikovsky, Petite-russienne, dйdiйe aux territoires ukrainiens.
Le tableau intitulй Ondine fait peut-кtre rйfйrence а l'opйra du mкme nom, du compositeur citй, qui par ailleurs a йcrit quelques Ouvertures, titre qui se retrouve dans le rйpertoire des tableaux de cette exposition... Il y a un tableau Inspirй par le Jazz et ainsi nommй, la femme y joue de la trompelte..
Les couleurs des tableaux sont chaudes, dominйes par des rouges et des ocres denses, convenant a l'йvocation d'une musique romantique.
Formйe en URSS (а Briansk, puis а Kiev) et en Tchйcoslovaquie communiste (в Prague), Oksana Veber appartient а la plus jeune gйnйration des plasticiens des pays de l'Est oщ il y a, comme on sait, des transformations йconomiques et culturelles, entre autres. Il est intйressant aujourd'hui de connaоlre les directions prises par la jeunesse de ces pays depuis le recul des options rйalistes socialistes pour les beaux-arts. A ce titre, dйjа, l'exposition rйcente (1) des peintures de Oksana Veber appelle l'attention. On sait, par ailleurs, que les arts plastiques de la Tchйcoslovaquie, oщ Oksana Veber est йtablie (sa production est reprйsentйe en galerie, а Prague, de faзon permanente) font l'objet en France d'un intйrкt soutenu depuis qu'on a fкtй en 2002 une saison tchиque qui a tenu l'affiche de mai а dйcembre, avec notamment les expositions Praga Magica а Dijon et Lanterna Magika а Paris.
Le travail d'Oksana Veber, quoique sa formation se soit accomplie а la fois а Kiev et а Prague, me semble plus inscrit dans une continuitй artistique tchиque que russe, car il contient des analogies avec l'art autrichien de la Sйcession de Vienne qui a attirй en son temps les artistes tchиques ; les Russes ne l'ont pas introduit dans les conceptions esthйtiques de la peinture proprement dite, car elle йtait dominйe chez eux par les vecteurs idйologiques du futurisme et du rйalisme socialiste, et car leur habitude dans l'intйrкt pour l'art йtranger est de porter leur regard surtout vers la peinture franзaise.

a Peintura n. 363

L'analogie des reprйsentations d'Oksana Veber avec le Jugendstyl des Viennois (dit Art Nouveau en France el en Belgique, et Modem Style en Grande Bretagne), qui fut un mouvement йtendu sur une grande partie de l'Europe, faisant valoir la compatibilitй du beau et de l'utile, se dйduit de l'exaltation de la courbe et la spirale, traits caractйristiques de son dessin. Elle se dйduit aussi de l'йmergence de ses tableaux d'un sens esthйtique йvoquant les arts extrкme-orientaux, caractиre connu de l'Art Nouveau
Tous les traits posйs par Oksana Veber sur le support pictural, pour reprйsenter les personnages ou les objets sont des volutes ou tendent vers cet aspect qui retrouve la forme lйgиre du signe chinois ou japonais.
Le choix d'un support de gabarit diffиrent de celui des formats standard de la
peinture occidentale, un gabarit de parchemin, rectangulaire, de petite largeur et de prйsentation verticale, compte aussi comme une analogie avec l'Art Nouveau : songer а Judith, de Gustav Klimt, qui a tenu l'affiche a Paris а l'occasion de l'exposition < Vienne 1900 » au Centre Georges Pompidou..
Il faut aussi se rappeler l'exemple du Tchиque Mucha, qui fut l'un des meilleurs reprйsentants de l'Art nouveau, pour admettre que la maniиre esthйtique d'Oksana Veber, telle que dйcrite, s'inscrit dans une continuitй artistique tchиque.
L'йvocation de la musique, commentйe ci-dessus, s'apprйhende comme une toile de fond ; elle donne aux tableaux un heureux complйment au caractиre Art Nouveau dont la reprise comme style de peinture contemporaine est rare en Europe occidentale, suite peut-кtre в la polarisation du mouvement des idйes dans un dialogue avec l'art des U.S. A.
L'ensemble exposй est de 2003. Quelques œuvres datent des tout derniers mois ; on y constate une йvolution vers la rйduction de la reprйsentation figurйe au profit d'une plastique gestuelle et un rapprochement de l'abstraction.
L'exposition a obtenu du succиs et Oksana Veber compte dйsormais un certain nombre d'amateurs parisiens de son art. Sa maоtrise de son mйtier, la force dйlicate de sa sensibilitй chromatique et la teneur poйtique de tout ce qu'elle peint sont propices в son йpanouissement et sa rйussite а Paris comme les cйlиbres peintres tchиques qui ont brillй au sein de l'йcole de Paris, Franзois Kupka et Georges Kars.


(1) L'exposition s'est dйroulйe а la Galerie Etienne de Causans, 25, rue de Seine, 75006 Paris, du 28 novembre au 5 dйcembre 2003.


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